Thursday, November 29, 2018

Humana and Partners Set Hospice Roots Aflame


I can't help but think of the roots of hospice and how far things have gone astray, especially your hospice's latest buyout from as you call them, financial rapscallions (60% owners) and Humana (40% owner). 

Hospice founders volunteered their clinical expertise and time with no expectation of payment.  Goodhearted people worked to keep patients comfortable, supported and pain free.  They created support systems for patients and stressed caregivers which included pastoral care.  They companioned the dying, often sitting with family as the time neared for God to call their loved one home.

When Medicare first considered covering hospice care one group fought against it tooth and nail, home health.  At every turn home health obstructed efforts by early hospice leaders for legitimacy, resources and support.  Home health has been hospice's enemy. 

Hospices went from nonprofit to the majority being for-profit corporate owned.  Many corporations have hospice and home health divisions.   My former hospice was acquired by one such company in 2011. 

Our Vice President said, "Running a hospice is easy.  Running a home health is hard."  That very same VP spent their time fixing hospices that experienced staff walkouts, risked having their license pulled by the state and coaching bad leaders on how to fire people.  During my time with the company I never heard this VP advocate for staff raises or thank staff for the incredible work done day in and day out. 

Humana's stated intent is to integrate hospice and home health into their home continuum of care offerings.  This move will further isolate hospice from its founding core values. 

I would like to hear more about Humana's efforts to turn your hospice into a homecare continuum of care offering.  I am especially interested in the perspectives of longtime hospice staff and clinicians to any changes. 

Retirement remains highly satisfying.  I heartily recommend it.

Strange Tony