Thursday, May 2, 2019

We Can Give the Heart of Hospice Away


My heart grieves for the way my hospice coworkers have turned on their brethren after the Humana buyout.  Not long ago we stood united against sick, unethical management.  When management attacked we would surround a coworker with support and encouragement.  That has changed.

Fear set in after five coworkers received pink slips.  Longtime employees must believe the favor they curry with ignorant, arrogant managers will give them the upper hand in the next round of reductions.  It won't. 

Our management doesn't know the heart of hospice and cannot discern its beat.  But staff who've lived it, some for decades, know. 

Former hospice disciples turned Judas against dedicated coworkers.  Those who once surrounded peers in support have jointed management jackals in taunting "the weak." 

Management's insider club offers cruel words and dismissive jokes to the scorned. Mean Girls Management can't take the heart of hospice from us.  But we can give it away and I'm afraid that is happening. 

This is my prayer at this time:

Lord, protect us from evil imposed by those pretending to lead us to greener pastures.  Soften all of our hearts so that we may appreciate one another.  Provide us a mirror so we can see what is in our eyes, in our hearts when we speak ill of the other.  Even the scales so all people can be seen for the good they do, not just the favored few.

Lord, show our leaders that the pasture is for all, not an exclusive reward for being in authority.  Catch the victims of management cruelty should they plummet.  Hold them closely in your palm so they may rest and be renewed in mind, body and spirit.  Guide them to the next opportunity to do your will in this difficult world. In Christ's name we pray.  Amen
Wishing the peace that passeth all understanding to you and yours,



  1. Curo brings division with its fear based, greed focused model. Their sole reliance on extrinsic motivators destroys intrinsic motivation, the well of hospice workers. Curo's desire for a profit gusher has fracked our hospice. Homecare Homebase is a bizarre micromanagement system that shorts people on time and mileage.

  2. The Curo model overtakes our hospice like the slow drip of water torture. Hourly nurses leave, replaced by salaried ones. Curo exhorts us to grow while shrinking nearly everything.

    Employee appreciation went the way of the Employee Appreciation Holiday for 2019. It's nil.

    Curo is synonymous with chaos and its doing tremendous harm to our hospice.


  4. Sorry to hear division is deep in your hospice. A house divided cannot stand. The question is which way your co-workers will go. Will they subjugate themselves to serve management and the corporation with its unbalanced priorities? Or will they live the Gospel and cast aside earthly rewards/punishments to serve the Lord? Keep praying. God is listening.

  5. Executives wants growth but shrank nearly everything at our site. Humana Chief Medical Officer Shrank saw his personal finances grow with a recent stock award.

    What's wrong with this picture?

  6. It's hard to support one another in the midst of chaos. 75% turnover at my Kindred at Home site since the buyout.
