Saturday, January 11, 2014

PTO Axe Falls on Rest of Gentiva Employees


Gentiva's senior brass kicked off 2014 with a knuckle sandwich to most employees.  In the first quarter of 2013 Gentiva executives cut paid time off for new hires.  This created two classes of employees.

For the New Year senior leaders spread the toxin to almost everyone else.  Executives shafted employees during a Blitz week, when staff were out marketing.  That's in addition to doing their regular job with no overtime. 

Executives had the gall to end their memo with:

As always, we appreciate your dedication and thank you for all you do every day to serve our patients and their families as we move into 2014.
Thank you by cutting 40 hours of vacation accrual?  Might I offer a translation:

As always, we appreciate you care givers, who repeatedly take our kicks in the teeth and manage to offer a bloody smile anyway.  Pretty soon, you'll work for free with no benefits and love every minute of it.  After all, Gentiva aims to be the employee abuser of choice.

This better aligns senior executive's words with their actions. To think this occurred under the Chairman of Fun, who invited all employees to drop by his office when they're in Atlanta.

Gentiva's Shallow Management Funhouse jacks with staff in more ways than one.  Cutting expected PTO benefits is a major violation.  This mendacious crew didn't give a reason for the action, adding insult to injury.  Please tell me Generic Hospice leaders are worse, as if that were possible.


Followup on benefits reductions:  Senior executives hid a 16% reduction in employer health insurance contributions in open enrollment for 2015.  The health care company went from a $160 contribution down to $135.  The knuckle sandwich continues.  Don't forget $10 million in executive bonuses are forthcoming! 

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