Saturday, November 22, 2014

Gentiva Cuts Health Insurance Contribution for 2015


Gentiva's senior executives failed to inform employees of a 16% reduction in the company's health insurance contributions for 2015.  The health care company decreased the benefit by $25 per pay period, going from a $161 contribution in 2014 to $135 per pay period for 2015.  That's $650 less per employee on an annual basis.

The Riverwood Parkway knuckle sandwich continues for Gentiva employees.  Let's encapsulate the year:  no raises, PTO accrual schedule reduction of 40 hours , and a 16% cut in company provided health insurance benefit.  If this is the margin discipline that excited Kindred, it's an ominous sign.

Don't forget $10 million in executive bonuses are forthcoming!  Employees unwillingly contributed to senior leader financial engorgement via a reduced accrual schedule for paid time off.  We'll help out next year by picking up a greater chunk of health insurance.

What about any of this fits with two of Gentiva's stated values, specifically respect and teamwork?  Nothing but it confirms repeated "top dog" pandering to employees.  Money is the sole center of Gentiva, which makes the company soulless.

Anonymous (from Gentiva)

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